Monday, February 26, 2007


How would you feel?
when you are here
search here and there
no one is near
How would you feel?
when you are depress
and no body can guess
how much you sadden is

How would you feel?
when you want to talk
and can't find words to spoke

How would you feel ?
when your heart is pained
from a love you gained
you thought it would never end
How would you feel ?
when you are alone
your love is gone
left a big hole

take with him your soul
How would you feel?
when there is no light
no body beside
feeling fear inside
and can't find
your soul guide
How would you feel?
when you are hopeless
feeling saddens
nothing feeling you happiness
How would you feel?
when you need somebody near
calling him but can't hear
but he left me cry
and I'm asking why
he didn't try
to back and get my cheeks dry
after him there is no glad
i want him to be back
as any way that he want
i want ask him to be my owned

Friday, February 23, 2007

a concept

I used to. i used to have dreams; many different happy dreams; and the lights were on.the joy were there and the pains were gone .the sky was dark blue and so shiny was the sun .....birds....butterflies....roses...were there ...i was having fun all the time..i used to have dreams.
But i used to have them disappeared.
i woke up ..look around every thing gone...............
The door is lock..the light is shines...the sky is dark ...the bird fly away ..and no place for fun .
it's really have all your a nightmare !!!!!
But i used to.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

بمناسبة الفالنتين

ان الذى يكتم حبه فى قلبه .. يموت مخنوق .

الخوف والحب لا يسيران معا.

ثلاثة لايمكن اخفاءه رجل يركب علي فيل وامرأة حامل ورجل يحب .

خير لنا ان نحب فنخفق من ان لا نحب ابدا.

علامة الحب :ان تقبل على حبيبك عند اقباله عليك وعند ادباره عنك.

إن المرأة لاتهزا من الحب ولا تسخر من الوفاء الا اذا خيب رجل آمالها.

المراءة التي تفقد حبيبها امراءة احبت والمراءة التي تحتفظ بحبيبها امراءة اتقنت فن الحب.

ابلغ الحديث:الصمت في الحب.

كثيراً ما تنتهي الصداقة بالحب ولكن لا يمكن للحب أن ينتهي بصداقة.

إذا كان الحب ضعفاً فهو ضعف القلوب العظيمة.

وراء كل إمرأة عظيمة حب فاشل.

القلب الذي لا يؤمن بالحب قلب بارد.

أعقل ما في الحب جنونه.

إذا صح ان الحب يموت فلا حاجة لنا في البقاء.

الحب كالموت يغير كل شئ.

صنعت الدنيا للذين يحبون , أما اللذين لا يحبون وإن أبصرهم الناس فهم ميتون ميتون.

ضعف المراءة في الحب سر قوة الرجل.

لو احب الشيطان لتلاشى الشر نفسه.

الحب الذي ينتهي ليس حبا حقيقيا

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

To be & not to be

To be & not to be
(with my apology to w.shaksber)
I know its strange what iam going to write ,
but that is some thing i feel and it hurts me .
its hard to be cheated in people one day you thought they are your best friends and u cannot live without them and at once i discover the reverse.
they treat me if i were invisible for them.despite my love for them
i told them every thing about me and shared my happiness and sadden with them.
and after that they keep me away from their live , ignore me and don't tell me any thing .
i don't know why i shocked usually in people; the close ones specially .
and its hard to feel you are rejected and alone.
no body need you , no body hear you, listen to you, feel with your pain, talk to you when he need some body to mitigate his pain , no body remember you or ask about you.
although i remember them many times .
its horrible when you need some one to be beside you and you can't find him.
its horrible when your friends leave you with out any explanation or a clear reason.
when some one say some thing about you and its not the truth and tour friend know that but say nothing and prefer silence .
it hard for me to be with out friends ;

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Do you think that money is the answer to all ur problems?!
think again............

it can buy ahouse,
but not ahome .

it can buy a bed,
but not a sleep .

it can buy aclock ,
but not time .

it can buy a book ,
but not knowledge .

it can buy aposition ,
but not recpect .

it can buy medicine ,
but not health .

it can buy blood ,
but not life .

it can buy a candile dinner but not ( love) .

Monday, February 5, 2007

if one day

If one day you feel like crying..................
call me , i don't promise that i will make you laugh
but i can cry with you.

If one day you want to runaway , dont be afraid to call me,
I don't promise to ask you to stop .
but i can run with you.

If one day you don't want to listen to any one ;
call me
I promise to be very quiet.

But if one day you call me and there were no answer
come fast to me ...................
perhaps I NEED YOU.

I will make u comfort any way.